The infusions of the plants can be not only useful, but also harmful. Even harmless mint is able to make a man impotent from an old man!
Medicinal herbs – powerful healing tool, but only when used strictly for its intended use and taking into account all side effects. Do not forget that the men and women are utterly different, the hormonal state, therefore, that a woman, a man may be very poor. Some of the plants contribute to the weakening of the sexual function and slowly become healthy a guy in a liability to the powerless.

Useful herbs for men's health
Chromium is an important element for maintaining men's health, improves carbohydrate metabolism, increases endurance, helps build beautiful relief of the muscles. Nature has endowed the chromium Garcinia cambogia, centaury, and leaves of blueberries and the berries of the mulberry.
The zinc protects the prostate cancer, remains high the level of the activity, allows the proper functioning of the male genital glands and helps the development of healthy sperm. In addition, this element is important to the vision of that in the same want to favorite realized how fast they grew long hair and what is your beautiful skin. Source of zinc are birch leaf, cranberry and bearberry, horsetail, milk thistle, sage, calendula, rosa mosqueta.
Magnesium is another necessary element for a healthy and long life of their beloved. Avoid the stress, accelerates the metabolism, improves the mobility of sperm. That contain magnesium herbs beneficial to men: the three-coloured violet, bedstraw white, the tansy, the root of the elderberry black watch, trifoliate, rosa mosqueta.
Testosterone is the main male hormone, it converts the child into a man. If the reduction is likely that the inverse process. Herbs increase testosterone in men is, first of all, ginseng and Eleutherococcus. They increase the production of key hormone and contribute to the growth and activity of the sperm. And even ginseng suppresses production of the stress hormone, destructive of the current legislation on the testosterone.
Also contributing to the development of the male sex hormone, the leaves of the stinging nettle and dandelion. You can add them to salads and soups, serve with roasts and scrambled eggs. Good helps the tincture chinese herb lemon and the juice of their fruits.

Ginger – plant, wonderful, who knows many women who want to lose weight. But the spicy root is very useful not only for women but also for men. Coffee or tea with ginger and add to the variety of dishes makes the strong man, cheerful, self-assured, tones muscles, helps in physical and mental work.
Looking a little to the next topic, but you can not lose sight of the fact that ginger is not only well struggling with prostatitis, but also increases the power, improving the circulation of the blood in the sexual organ. In addition, the ginger, rejuvenates the body and, therefore, near you will always be full of forces and desires of a beautiful young lion!
The herbs that improve sexual potency
To convert to your beloved in the luxurious lover, it is not necessary to buy him viagra, with this important task, unable to cope with the appropriate choice of grass from the power of men, if you consume in a systematic way.
Rhodiola rosa is an excellent plant engineer in energy, giving a tired man of strength and full of energy. Ginseng has been used by the representatives of the stronger sex to increase the duration of sexual relations and the prevention of premature ejaculation.
Ginko biloba increases the saturation of oxygen in the blood and of the same Viagra, it contributes to the tide of blood to the sexual organ, thus producing an fast erection. In addition, this plant improves memory and, therefore, the favorite will not forget waiting for him at home and will not be extended after work with friends.
The hawthorn is a very good plant, ozdoravlivayuschim and tone the heart. But in addition to assistance cardiac the fruits of this shrub help to the recovery and improvement of the erectile function and increases libido.
It is rich in its composition sainfoin siberian makes powerful instruments in the fight against the impotence and decreased libido. In its composition a large amount of vitamin C, vegetables, enzymes, carbohydrates, proteins.
Orchis android, widely known as the swamp, is marked toning action and fitontsidy detected in the root of the success who are struggling with erectile dysfunction.
Optional find herbs improve sexual potency in men, accessible and well known to all, the parsley and the dill is also a good companion to the woman that you want to transform your weakness of her husband in a passionate don giovanni. Regularly add in salads and garnishes.

That give drink to man, in order to accelerate the conception
In sterility, it is not always the fault of the women, very often fails to get pregnant due to the low activity and the low vitality of the sperm. Well, do not have potential for babies up to the place of conception, or do not live up to the moment of encounter with the egg! To combat this problem help the grass to the men of the conception: the seeds of psyllium, the coronary heart, young man.
When the men of the sterility healers are advised to take the decoction of the fruit of the hawthorn, the juice of the carrot and the mummio, the infusion of sporysh, the decoction of the root of adam, the cooking of Liubka, the infusion of sage. If the infusion of the herb, there is no time, you can drink in the morning tablespoon of celery juice.
For men it is very important to the vitamin E, its origin is the sea buckthorn and all the products derived from this wonderful plant. Pumpkin is difficult to call the grass, but their vitamin and mineral composition cannot be lost sight of. Are not less useful to the men of pumpkin seeds in a large amount of zinc and other, more important for the stronger sex of the elements.
Plants that reduce the power and reduce the desire of
Not all plants are safe for men, every woman should know that herbs are not the men, the brewing of beer, so as not to destroy the ignorance of his male power.
The main enemy of the passion male – peppermint, it reduces the amount of testosterone in the blood. Of course, if your favorite is going on a long trip, then you can give him an aromatic tea with mint, but if the house needs galán, hide this soothing and reduces the libido of a drink. In addition, it has been shown that menthol, which is rich in peppermint, reduces the mobility of sperm, and it means that the man, loving that flavor, it will be very difficult to become a father.

Melissa not only has a pleasant flavour, lemon flavor and aroma, but also characteristic of decreasing the desire. Similar properties seen and the other fragrance of the herb – oregano. In the present the man it is better not to do experiments with herbs, tea, oregano – otherwise they become liabilities of the lazy cat, who lies on the couch in front of the tv.
St. john's wort, it is practically safe for the animals, but it is dangerous for male potency. Therefore, if your recommended for the treatment of any disease, it is best to seek an alternative and not risk.
Now that you know what type of herbs can not drink the men, but, please, do not the losing of them the health of their halves, even if something offended!